
Proud as a peacock

I seem to have a thing lately for bright, saturated cool colors like turquoise, green blue and purple.

Like the colors in peacock feathers. These are from the residents of the farm we visited a few weeks ago. We were told to take what we wanted. Now I need to think of something to do with them.

Here are the body feathers, commingled with some from Canada geese my 6yo collected.

We even had to save some of the small, downy ones. I didn't realize their body feathers would also be brown or patterned (the fuzzy white ones are from the geese, I believe.)

I've only been able to shop a little bit this summer. Too hard with all the boys in tow. While at the farm, I bought a few things at a thrift store. -- the wooden box, the clip-on earrings and the broken pocketwatch. The small turquoise Blue Mountain Pottery ashtray and the children's book (with Dick before Jane came along) were purchased in Canada.

Remember the thistles I collected? I bought flower drying crystals and they puffed right up. Now to think of something to do with them too...

And even my crocheting has taken on a turquoise hue. Just practicing with stitches (as I still can't follow instructions) by making chanter cover for one of my boys and scarves for some young sisters we know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What kind of "yarn" are you using? It's simply gorgeous and looks like there's a TON and that it might be good for purses?

Let me know!!! Awesome pics!