I know summer officially started last week, but the transition for us starts today with school ending. (The kids go in for an hour tomorrow but that doesn't really count).
On top of having the kids at home pretty much 24/7 until September, my dh is going out of town for a few days.
It's a good thing all my deadlines have been met and passed. Yearbook has been distributed, custom dresses have been mailed, summer lake party invites have been sent, Collage fundraiser is up and running, bills have been paid....
Instead of starting new sewing projects or listing more things on Etsy/eBay/Collage, I'm going to concentrate on getting the house cleaned up. It will be a big surprise for dh when he gets home and it will get the boys on track with their new chore chart.
And of course, we're starting in immediately on fun stuff. First will it be a bike ride, swim, nature hike, canoe ride, trip to the park?
Before I go, I just have to share
these photos of my baby with his new "baby." Can you say "aaaawwwww?"