
Crazy busy around here

It's been a good kind of crazy busy though. I still haven't had time to take pictures for my great blog giveaway yet, but they will be coming soon, I promise.

Again, if you want to get in on it mention my blog and Etsy store on your blog, then let me know here that you have done so and you are entered into the drawing.

Oh, and for all others you get to link here, I'll put your name in the drawing again. Make sure they mention your blog name so you get more chances to win that way!

We had a great family weekend. Here are some pictures of some new farm buddies we made On Sunday. There are even more photos of the other places we visited here on Flickr.


  1. gotta say...that horse is giving me the evil eye.

  2. I love the horse in the 2nd and 3rd pics! We have been crazy busy around here lately too. It must be the season for that.

  3. cute critters!

    and i was attempting to use
    a little reverse psychology
    in that blog post, although
    i have to admit, it's okay
    by me to just hoard all the
    goodies to myself! ;)

    Miss C. Lily is correct--that
    one horse is a lil' creepy . . .
