
Summer resolution

What a drought we are having her on the Red Hen Studios blog. Too many things to do and not enough time for all of them now that the kids have finished up school.

I have made a summer resolution though -- getting up before my boys so I can get some much-needed work done before we head out into the sunshine each day.

Already this morning, I got a week's worth of posts done for my other blog and now hope to get some written here.

Coming soon will be entries about my latest crocheting projects -- lots more slouchy hats to be modeled by my nieces and a ripply baby blanket for the newest baby in our family -- plus previews of what's coming soon to my Etsy shop, photos of our time at the family camp and our outings with the bagpipe bands.

Stop back soon to see what we are up to, or better yet follow me on Google or Facebook (links in the right sidebar) to get instant updates.

Hope you have just as an exciting summer as we plan to!

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