
Inexpensive decorating

It's spring and we have caught the new furniture bug.
We haven't gone to the big furniture warehouse
or even to any of the many local antique stores.
Think of much cheaper sources --
like a thrift store and even curb crawling.

It was the price and potential that drew me to these two.
Octagonal end tables with coveted storage space underneath.
Oooh, they will be perfect for our living room,
after getting a layer of bright white paint and new hardware.

They came from the Salvation Army thrift store,
where my son and I were looking for vintage prom wear.
Besides these $6-each pieces I hit the motherlode
also finding quite a bit for my Etsy shop.

This bentwood rocker, probably 70s vintage,
was the contribution of my three younger boys.
During a walk, they found it in a neighbor's yard,
with a sign that said "Free, Broken Seat."

They carried it home all by themselves
for their older brother to do the minor repair.
After getting cleaned up it will be ready to use.
I loved some photographs of similar rocking chairs
painted white, so it may get that treatment too.

This furniture has inspired me to redo our living room.
Might have to butter my husband up with first.
Maybe something newer, like a flat-screen tv, will do it.
We've certainly saved enough on the furniture purchases.

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