
My New Year's non-resolution

Did anyone have a  New Year's resolution
pertaining to being more organized?

While it wasn't anything formal,
in fact I don't ever make resolutions,
but I wanted to have this place straightened up
before our routine got back to normal.

It's not done, not by a long shot, but
I am slowly making progress with the piles.

It really helped that my husband knocked
some things off our list and spent
most of the weekend cleaning the basement.

Our bedroom is done,  except for
the always-accumulating piles of clean laundry.
Here is how my yarn stash turned out.
Not the prettiest of solutions
but it is all sorted and easier to get to.

I managed to finish up the attached
living room and kitchen which
gave us back half of our main living area
after the chaos of the holidays.

Even though I first wanted to get
my dining room work space cleared out,
I couldn't resist trying out my Christmas present.
Turns out the kitchen table
offers the best morning light anyway.

On New Year's Day, my husband and I snuck out
for some coffee, a drive and a stop at
the storage building for a used furniture store.
He stood guard over my pile
(what's it with me and piles?)
until I was done "shopping."

Even he had to admit we got some really great deals.
These are but a bit of what I bought.
I'm drawn lately to silver and glass pieces and
this GE industrial gray fan just had to come home.

So there is my progress on my non-resolution.
I'm heading back to do more organizing now.

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