For this project I recommend you wait until after the holidays
so nature can do most of the work for you.
Instead of letting our extra Christmas tree branches
dry out and drop their needles naturally,
I spent a good part of today removing them by hand.
After a trip here last month, I was inspired to make
my own balsam-filled sachets or potholders.
I had the piece of fabric above in my stash
and each bird image was the perfect size for one.
I cut each one out along with a piece of scrap flannel.
I pinned the two sides together, with a loop for hanging,
and then sewed the two sides together,
leaving a hole at the bottom to fill them
with the heavily-scented needles I'd collected.
I filled each one loosely with about a half cup of needles.
Now, when a hot pot or even a cup of coffee
is placed on one, more scent will be released.
This project is easy for the most basic of sewers,
but you could also cut out fabric with pinking sheers
and use fabric glue to close up the sides.
Back to sewing for me tonight.
I have another 10 to sew closed and fill.
They will make nice presents, I think.
What a great idea, we don't get real trees anymore but I do miss the smell that fills the house. I am going to have to make some. Thank you