
12 Days of Christmas Decorating: Day Two

I'd like to say that I planned this post
for today but it was a happy accident.

The three preschoolers I had here this morning
were busy with their own crafting projects,
involving paper, markers and scissors,
so I couldn't convince them to do a decorating project.

 I made these Danish woven heart baskets a few years ago.
Besides looking so adorable on the Christmas tree,
they can hold a holiday card or even gift card inside.

My little elves did help hang the hearts all over the tree.
You can find illustrated instructions on how to make them here.

There are also loads of links to easy and complicated patterns,
their history and Hans Christian Andersen's involvement here.
(Be sure to click the link to "Woven Paper Hearts" on the right.
So many amazing ideas there, 41 in fact.)

Here is the happy accident part -- today is also St. Lucia Day.
It was originally held on the winter solstice but is now
celebrated in Scandinavia on December 13th each year.

Don't forget, I am sharing decorating projects for 12 days.
Yesterday, we made garlands of popcorn, and cranberries.
The littlest of hands can help with this one.

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