
Feeling the winter blues

Come mid-February, I'm usually feeling the winter blues. I'm not feeling it this year. Maybe it's because most of the snow has hit well to the south of us but more likely it is because I am feeling all the "Link Love" I've received over the past month or so.

For those of you who don't know, "Link Love" is a way many crafty folks on Facebook are making the most of social networking. Each of us starts a thread on our own Fan Page Discussion Boards and leave our information on the pages of other participants. We gain Facebook fans, Twitter followers and Etsy hearts by joining in plus we share feedback, camaraderie and advice from like-minded people.

 Since the blues don't have me down, here are some of the beautiful azure items for sale by fellow Link Lovers. Check their stores out by clocking the item descriptions and their Fan Pages by clicking on the Facebook links.



  1. These are great items :) Thank you very much for including my Elizabeth necklace.

    I'm really enjoying the link love. It's such a fantastic way of finding new artisans.

    Heather x

  2. What a wonderful blue collection! Thank you so much for including my "MAKE A BEGINNING - Happy Birthday Card". I'm honored to be featured with such talented artists and their creations. The vest by Runway Crochet is gorgeous and the waffle bunny by Stuffed Silly is just adorable. :)

  3. Thank you so much for including my baby crown!
