
Save handmade

Save Handmade Toys

I know I'm late at getting involved in this just because I haven't had time to do sufficient research on it, but I just found Handmade Toy Alliance, became a fan on Facebook and voted to save small business from the CPSIA.

If you want to find out how to help, click on the cute bear above or follow this link.

1 comment:

  1. Got this in email! Woohoo!:

    :: Change.org - We Did It! ::
    'Save Small Business from the CPSIA' is now one of the top ten ideas for change in America on change.org.These ideas were presented to President-elect Obama's change.gov/transition team at a press event in Washington DC this afternoon.

    Thanks to 12,280 votes from supporters, our issue is now part of a campaign to increase national awareness of the lack of provisions for small business in HR4040, the CPSIA, and bring about positive changes to the law.
