
Hope the traveling doll

We have a house guest for the holidays.
She arrived via the US Postal Service
from Canada one afternoon last week.

Her name is Hope.
She was made in North Carolina
by my Collage-mate Annette from Wool Creations.

I thought the boys wouldn't be too interested in her,
but they immediately took her out of the box,
checked out all the goodies in her suitcase
and dressed her in her pj's.

They then made her feel right at home
by including her in decorating the Christmas tree.

I don't think she knew she'd be
an actual decoration on the tree though.

Since this is a house of boys,
of course there is a train under the tree --
and Hope was sent for a ride.

Hope is traveling around the world and
will be raffled off at the end of her travels.

She's spending a few weeks with us
and has already gone to first grade
and visited with many of our cousins and friends.
She will be included in all our Christmas festivities
before visiting other families.

You can read more about Hope's travels
here on her very own blog.

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