
Little bits of nature around my neck

I keep seeing cute little glass vials with cork stoppers
and eye hooks hanging on plain chains,
filled with everything from fairy dust to tiny beads,
beach glass to live moss, butterfly wings to dandelion seeds.

I knew exactly what I wanted to put in a few of them --
tiny bits of garnet collected locally this past summer.
After finding a source for the supplies on Etsy,
I ordered some and only had to wait a few days for them.

We try to go to Barton Garnet Mines
in North River, NY at least once every summer.
The boys love to go hunt for huge chunks with 
flecks of garnet embedded in dark granite.

I prefer the scenery, to take photographs and
to collect perfect little pieces of ruby red garnet.
Just right for filling the vials so I can wear
a reminder of our summer outings all year round.

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