
Power of social media

Never underestimate the power of social media when selling
your handmade (and, also in my case, vintage) goods.
I've been working on this scarf for weeks now
and talking about its progress on Facebook.
I couldn't wait to share the finished piece this morning.
Within an hour, a friend saw it and bought it.

This isn't my only positive experience like this today.
Another friend bought one of my necktie scarves
after checking out my Etsy link on my Facebook fan page.
(I also have a "My Etsy" tab on the top of that page.)

Besides Facebook, I also use Twitter and StumbleUpon
to promote what I am creating and selling.
My Facebook fan page posts go straight to Twitter
and I believe you may be able to get your new Etsy listings
to automatically get posted on Facebook and Twitter
but haven't looked into that recently.

What other social media outlets do you use
and how successful are they for you?

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