
Improving product shots

Still playing with the photo cube and lights
in hopes of getting better Etsy products shots.

I am liking the clean backgrounds
but find I still have to manipulate the photos
in Photoshop Elements just as much as before.

The lights are set to lighten up the back wall
and the cube faces a bright window.
(Still need to work on getting the wrinkles out.)

This will work very well for non-shiny surfaces
not so for all these pieces of metal.
Can you spot me in any of these? LOL

I wasn't totally satisfied with the results,
even after manipulation and thought to try B&W.

These look like they are right out of mid-century
(and earlier) houseware catalogs.

Their Etsy listings will still have full-color views
but I will see how these are as the main photographs.
Has anyone else tried it before?

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